Fixing / Installing

Formdeck panels shall be securely fixed to supporting structured to prevent wind uplift or lateral movement; and to eliminate excessive deflection during concrete pour.

Methods of restraint include:

  • drive-pins, spot welds
  • screws, nails or weights

It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the Formdeck panels are properly secured to the various supporting structures to prevent wind uplift and lateral movement given the relevant site conditions. The advice provided below is only a guide and contractor should consult with a suitably competent engineer and their fastening supplier to determine an appropriate fixing specification for their project. 

General guide for fastening of Formdeck

Installing Formdeck to structural steel frames

Formdeck panels installed directly on steel frame structures must be secured to the structural steel using spot welds, or fasteners such as self-drilling screws or powder-actuated drive nails.

Recommended guide:

  • Provide one fastener in each pan at every permanent support.
  • Powder-actuated drive steel nails 4mm diameter suitable for structural steel.
  • Self-tapping screws for structural steel.
  • Spot (puddle) welds should be 12mm minimum diameter.

Note: The contractor should confirm the above fixings provide the appropriate level of wind uplift restraint for their site conditions. 

Installing Formdeck to masonry or concrete frames

When fixing Formdeck panels to concrete or masonry walls temporary fasteners must be used until concrete is poured, to present movement and wind uplift. Formdeck panels should be secured to temporary timber bearers by nailing.

Method of application can be via nail gun using minimum 75mm nails.

Care must be taken with penetrating fasteners when removing temporary supports to avoid damage to Formdeck.

Note: The contractor should confirm the above fixings provide the appropriate level of wind uplift restraint for their site conditions.